About Us

Hi, my Name is Frank Funicelli Chef / Owner of frankies catering. Growing up one of my chore’s was to peel carrots & potato for this evening’s dinner. This was at the request or demand of my Grandmother Eugennia & my mother Leona Funicelli “the original Mama Leona”. Cooking and eating was a big part of my child hood whether we were making Christmas cookie, Pizza Gianna wheat & rice pies at Easter, making Sunday gravy & fresh pasta on the kitchen table, or making pastina all the kids favorite. We would watch the Galloping Gourmet on tv. I started my first job at pizzeria Patsy’s tavern grating cheese, then onto the Golden Steer in my early teens. I was so excited that I helped to prepare some 200 lobsters that evenings service. I went home elated to tell my parents how I enjoyed it. A few years later a neighbor ask me to cater an event at his house which was my first event some 40 years ago. I found that these all had a roll in getting me into the hospitality business. I found what I enjoyed doing, the enjoyment others received from a great meal, I was hooked.
Since then I have done thousands of events. All the time honing my skills with each event. I have worked in food service since I was in my early teens, went to school for hotel Restaurant, worked in many kitchens, I have Owned several restaurants, Deli’s & of course the catering business since the beginning. Now My daughter Frankee yes Frankee Marie also has been involved in the business, whether cooking or serving. It has been a pleasure watching her palate & culinary abilities grow.
In 2004 I took on a partner Fran Elia who has helped bring Frankies to new highs, with her family values & customer service to help us grow to new level. She does most of the bookings & event planning while I handle the preparation of the food. We also added Brett Elia as a partner who has worked with us since his high school years and is helping us achieve new avenues.
We are a boutique catering service which allows us to stay focused on the customers event and prepare the food with care. So give us a call and “Taste the Difference”